Recover the best version of yourself…

… with the help of a trained professional in the Relational Intelligence® psychotherapeutic model (Grenoble – Lyon – Online)
“Pulling the flower will not make it grow faster”
The Relational intelligence® model is a holistic, humanistic and scientific psychotherapy approach that is limited in time.
The proposed approach is about free will, self-discovery and achieving your full potential as a human being. You are welcome with everything that makes you who you are (body, emotions, psyche) and focuses on you as a unique individual and your relationship with the world around you.
The therapy is deeply rooted in the attachment theory developed by J. Bowlby.
This whole-body approach addresses mental, physical, and spiritual health allowing patients to better see the connections between these different aspects of their lives and better understand/experience how this affects their health and wellness. Body & mind are considered indistinguishable and equally important.
It is NOT a therapy based on body/physical treatment per say.
The therapeutic process is based on peer reviewed articles on polyvagal theory (S. Porges) and Internal Family System (R. Schwarz) model. It draws on recent neuroscience data on attachment & neuroplasticity.
Limited in time
The therapy is client-led. S/He decides on the length of his/her therapy.
Generally between a few months to 2 years
Your practitioner welcomes you worldwide ONLINE or at his OFFICE in Grenoble & Lyon, France.
as a trained psychotherapist using the Relational Intelligence model (RI®) and Non Violent Communication (NVC®).
English speakers in France should also have access to mental health professionals close to where they live. As I speak English fluently, I would like to offer the opportunity for people living around Grenoble and Lyon to get the help they need. I lived abroad for several years. I know one might be even more subject to emotional and psychological fragility when one lives far from his home country.
To ensure I meet your needs effectively, I have built a strong network of peers (psychologists, psychotherapists, supervisors…) I can quickly reach anytime. It is a “human safety chain” which is essential and at your service.
Why would I go see a psychologist, a psychotherapist or psychopractioner like you?
All the aspects of our life are influenced and can be affected by our mental health. The latter is the foundation of our behaviours, our school or professional life, our love life and even our health overall.
Plainly looking for true, simple HAPPINESS & PEACE of mind
Let’s listen together to your normal & innate aspiration for happiness and peace to bring it (back) to life.
Here and now.